Want to learn how to code? Start here.
I'm Fahim, a software developer turned ed-tech founder.
The most common question I get asked by new coders is this:
“If you had to learn to code all over again, where would you start?”
That’s the premise of this newsletter: Letters to New Coders.
I'll share my top lessons, hacks, and tips for learning how to code and launching a new career — things I wish I would've known earlier in my journey.
I became a software engineer 20 years ago. While a lot has changed in the tech industry since then (including the rise of generative AI), the most important truths about learning to code are the same.
It may seem daunting, but all it takes is a good plan and a little persistence.
Stories of success… and failure
Even the best developers are no strangers to failure.
Stay tuned for plenty of personal stories about the ups and downs of my own coding education, as well as from my time as a software engineer at Microsoft and Facebook.
I will also draw from my experience building Educative, where we have helped millions of developers build in-demand coding skills and land jobs at the world’s top tech companies.
So, if you're starting out your own coding journey, and are looking for a little support and inspiration… this newsletter is for you.
Happy learning!